Maha Maamoun
Based on a text from the Egyptian novel The Revolution of 2053: The Beginning, by Mahmoud Uthman (2007), and referencing a scene from Chris Marker’s La Jetée (1962), a time-traveller recounts his vision of the future of the Pyramids area, and by extension Egypt, in the year 2026 – a vision that strains to reach beyond, yet remains severely confined by the present’s imaginal constraints.

Actor: Ahmad Kamal
Production: Tamer Eissa, Doa Aly
Lighting: Kareem Seif
Editing: Louly Seif, Maha Maamoun


Maha Maamoum – Night visitor
Palestinian Art Court – Al Hoash

Historically, the term ‘Night Visitor’ referred to undercover police investigators who would attack houses and arrest political activists in the dark of the night. On this night the roles are reversed, at least for a few hours, and the hunted become the hunters. Using material that documents the recent Egyptian revolution, shot by the protagonists of events while storming the state security offices, and later posted on the Internet, the video Night Visitor, by Maha Maamoun, address different layers of sentiment accompanying this time of rupture and blurring of demarcation lines.