Black es una performance en solitario sobre hacer que las cosas aparezcan. El espacio está vacío. No hay cosas. A través de palabras habladas y movimientos en el espacio se hace posible un mundo donde el intérprete es el mediador entre la audiencia y lo que hay allí. Es una actuación de tiempo y espacio donde solo el cuerpo está físicamente presente, interpretando acciones y manipulando objetos invisibles, constantemente tratando de reducir el espacio invencible entre el pensamiento y la experiencia, entre aquí y allí.

Texto por Mette Edvardsen (Extacto)  >>

«If you look a bit around in any theatre, you can be sure to find a black painted chair, a table, a box, a shelf, or even more abstract shapes that have once had a very specific purpose. It is common in theatres to paint objects black in order to make them not be seen, to blend in with the surroundings backstage or as part of the space, or to make them disappear.

This piece comes out of a desire to make things appear, to do something with nothing, or no thing. In an empty space, with no things, through spoken words and performed actions, I try to make a world visible. The space is being filled, little by little, with words and things, objects and actions, presence and emptiness. The invisible objects are being described and used, and play their role in the events that occur.

Are the objects just invisible, but really there? Or, have I been in this space before when the objects were present, and now removed, they are just there in the memory? Are the objects coming from somewhere else as I make them appear through speaking? So the instant they appear on stage, they are missing somewhere else. Like in a parallel universe where objects disappear from, and reappear?»