Proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea. Participan veinte instituciones de diferentes países con el objetivo de crear un Biblioteca Europea de Artes Escénicas on-line. La Universidad de Castilla La Mancha ha contribuido con la publicación de 1300 archivos entre vídeos, archivos y fotos en ECLAP. UCLM en ECLAP.

[The richness and value of the European performing arts heritage is unquestionable. Even though these collections are now being digitized and published online, they remain scattered, and coordination is lacking between digital libraries and the performing arts field; however, there is a high demand for access to this content. ECLAP fills this gap by creating a considerable, and hitherto missing, online archive for all the performing arts in Europe, and providing solutions and tools to help performing arts institutions to enter the digital Europe by building a network of important European performing arts institutions and archives and publishing content collections on Europeana, the European Digital Library.

ECLAP is making use of advanced indexing database and delivery tools for the production and dissemination of the rich multilingual European heritage. This will result in cultural enrichment and promotion of European culture, and in improvements in learning and research in the field of performing arts]